Simple Creamy Artichoke Soup

Instead of starting with fresh artichoke hearts, this straightforward, creamy soup is made with canned artichokes. With just a few ingredients, a tasty soup may be made by combining artichokes, potatoes, celery, and onions.

Creamy Artichoke Soup

In this dish, potatoes and a roux—a blend of butter and flour—give the soup its creamy texture. The artichoke soup has a creamy texture and a clear, crisp flavor that is delicious without being heavy, without the use of heavy cream.

Since canned artichokes are readily accessible year-round at grocery stores and are simple to cook, we choose for them over fresh ones. There is some preparation involved and fresh artichokes have a short shelf life in the refrigerator (approximately 7 days). They require cutting, cleaning, and trimming.


  • Artichokes: Canned artichoke hearts are used to make this velvety soup. If at all feasible, select quartered artichokes.
  • Fat: When sautéing the veggies, we use olive oil. Choose your favorite sauté-friendly oil and use it. To thicken the soup, butter is added along with flour.
  • Produce: Potato gives body to the soup, while onions, celery, and garlic provide its foundation. White or yellow work best for the onion. We use a big russet potato for the potato, although red has also been successful.
  • Spices: A basic blend of black pepper and Italian seasoning gives the soup a lovely flavor. At the end, you could also need salt.
  • Pantry: You may use chicken stock instead of chicken broth for the broth. Use veggie broth to make it vegetarian. To make the soup thicker, all-purpose flour is added.
  • Ideas for an optional garnish include freshly chopped parsley, parmesan cheese, croutons, sour cream, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, or a drizzle of olive oil. You may also use other herbs like fresh thyme, rosemary, etc.
  • For preparation and quantity information, see the recipe card.


  • In a big saucepan (we use an enameled Dutch oven with 4.6 quarts), heat the olive oil over medium heat. Stirring constantly, sauté the onions and celery for three minutes.
  • Add the pepper, garlic, and Italian seasoning. Cook, stirring constantly, for one minute.
  • Add the butter after that. Mix until the substance dissolves. After that, whisk in the flour and cook for one to two minutes.
  • Stirring constantly, slowly scrape the crumbs from the pot’s bottom before adding the broth.
  • Bring to a boil by increasing the heat. To the saucepan, add the potatoes and artichokes. Reduce the heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer the soup for 30 to 35 minutes once the broth returns to a boil. or until the potatoes are so soft they fall apart. If you pierce them with a fork or knife, they should come apart effortlessly.
  • Once the saucepan is no longer simmering, turn off the heat and cover it. Using a handheld immersion blender, process the soup in the pot until it reaches the desired texture or is smooth. Use a regular blender instead of an immersion blender if you don’t have one (see Cook’s Note below).


Process hot liquid in tiny batches rather than adding all the liquid to the blender. Take off the blender lid’s feeding cap, which is located in the middle. Place a fresh, folded kitchen towel on top of the lid (without the feeding cap). While combining, keep the towel down. Start off moving very slowly and pick up pace gradually as needed.

Instead of grinding the soup, you can use a potato masher if you’d rather have some chunks in it. If necessary, taste and add salt. For comparison, we seasoned ours with ¼ teaspoon of salt.


Pour the soup into a serving bowl and, if like, top with grated parmesan cheese and chopped parsley. Serve with your favorite sandwich, a side salad, or your preferred side dish. We like to serve it with a side of crusty bread.



  • Before using entire artichokes from a can in the soup, cut them into quarters.
  • To remove the canning liquid from the artichokes, rinse them. When appropriate, I think canned food should be rinsed. You can eliminate extra salt and taste the difference with a brief rinse under cold water.
  • If you’re sensitive to salt, use broth with lower sodium content. If needed, you can make adjustments at the conclusion.


Can I use fresh artichokes instead of canned in Creamy Artichoke Soup?

Trim, chop, and wash a fresh entire artichoke before using it in this dish. Then, add it to the soup pot after boiling or steaming until it’s soft.

Can I make a vegetarian version of this Creamy Artichoke Soup?

Yes, you may replace the chicken broth in the artichoke soup with a quality vegetable broth or vegetable stock to make it vegetarian.

Can I make this soup ahead of time and freeze it?

Pureed soups freeze rather nicely, yes. Let it thaw in the fridge for the whole night, then gradually reheat it until it reaches a minimum temperature of 165°F. Once smooth, give it a good stir or whisk.


Keep leftovers in the refrigerator for three to four days in an airtight container. Cool the soup immediately and transfer it to an airtight freezer-safe container. Give yourself one to two inches of room to expand. For two to three months, freeze.

In a covered pot, slowly reheat the soup over medium-low to low heat, stirring from time to time, until it’s cooked through, to 165°F. or use the microwave to reheat it. When warming, it might be necessary to add one or two tablespoons of broth or water to soften it up a little.

Creamy Artichoke Soup


Simple Creamy Artichoke Soup

Instead of starting with fresh artichoke hearts, this straightforward, creamy soup is made with canned artichokes. With just a few ingredients, a tasty soup may be made by combining artichokes, potatoes, celery, and onions.

  • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 1 Small Onion finely diced (use yellow or white onion)
  • 2 Celery Ribs diced
  • 1-2 Garlic Cloves minced
  • ½ teaspoon Italian Seasoning
  • ¼ teaspoon Black Pepper
  • 1 14 ounce can Quartered Artichoke Hearts drained and rinsed
  • 2 tablespoons Butter
  • 3 tablespoons All Purpose Flour
  • 3½ cups Chicken Broth or vegetable broth
  • 12-14 ounce Potato peeled and cut into 1 inch pieces (we used russet, but red potatoes work well too)
  • Salt to taste if needed at the end
  • Fresh Chopped Parsley for garnish optional
  • Grated Parmesan Cheese for garnish optionaL
  1. In a big saucepan, warm the olive oil over medium heat. Stirring constantly, sauté the onions and celery for three minutes.
  2. Add the pepper, garlic, and Italian seasoning. Cook, stirring constantly, for one minute.
  3. Add the butter after that. Mix until the substance dissolves. After that, whisk in the flour and cook for one to two minutes.
  4. Stirring constantly, slowly scrape the crumbs from the pot’s bottom before adding the broth.
  5. Increase the heat and boil, which should take two minutes. To the saucepan, add the potatoes and artichokes. Once the broth reaches a rolling boil again, reduce the heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer the soup until the potatoes are very tender—about 30 to 35 minutes. If you pierce them with a fork or knife, they should come apart effortlessly.
  6. Once the saucepan is no longer simmering, turn off the heat and cover it. Using a handheld immersion blender, process the soup in the pot until it reaches the desired texture or is smooth. Use a regular blender instead of an immersion blender if you don’t have one (see notes).
  7. If necessary, taste and add salt. For comparison, we added a tsp to ours.
  8. If preferred, top the creamy artichoke soup with grated parmesan cheese and chopped parsley.
  • Process hot liquid in tiny batches rather than adding all the liquid to the blender. Take off the blender lid’s feeding cap, which is located in the middle. Place a fresh, folded kitchen towel on top of the lid (without the feeding cap). While combining, keep the towel down. Start off moving very slowly and pick up pace gradually as needed. As an alternative, you may mash the potatoes to leave the soup rather chunky.
  • Since the soup already has a fair amount of salt from the canned artichokes and stock, we wait to add any more. Finally, taste it and adjust the seasoning with a pinch or two of salt.
  • If you are sensitive to salt, use unsalted butter and broth with lower sodium content.
American, Italian
Simple Creamy Artichoke Soup

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